What is the Mabinogi? Introduction/ homepage.
First Steps Enjoying the Mabinogi, books, recording, video, art, online.


QUICK A-Z Index LIST A-Z quick entries, all the Mabinogi, links to pages.
QUICK Quick Timeline Key events (detailed Timeline has more)
MAP The World of the Mabinogi Map showing most places in the tales. Plus notes.

The Mabinogi Stories A clear retelling of the tales closely following the originals. Illustrated. - Translations

Mabinogi Characters LIST all Mabinogi characters, incl. animals, anon., minor, & groups. Links to profile pages.
Mabinogi Mythology Celtic culture. Animals. Goddesses, gods. Enchantment & shapeshifting. Magical Objects. Mythological Reconstruction. Spirituality today.
Mabinogi as Literature Intricate, unified, coherent -fascinating. Interweaving/ Interlace. - Themes - List of key words.
Other Literature About The Mabinogion tales. Trioedd, Triads. Chronicles. Poetry.
Mabinogi Arts LIST. Survey of storytelling, theatre, fiction, recordings, film/ videos, music, visual arts.
Mabinogi Society Children. Kindred. Men. Morality. Politics, Laws, & Economics. Women.
Quotes Key quotes by scholars about the Mabinogi.
Middle Welsh Some key quotes in Middle Welsh (PKM), translated, analysed. Links.
Mabinogi Scholars LIST key Mabinogi scholars, quick note on their work, link to profile page.
Timeline LIST key events from 9thC to today. Longer version than Quick Timeline
Manuscripts Peniarth 6. Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch. Llyfr Coch Hergest.
History of the Mabinogi The story of the Mabinogi 9thC to today. Mediaeval context e.g. Laws, customs.
Themes, Doublets, Motifs LIST Themes, interweavings, doublets, international motifs.
Translations LIST The main translations into English, their differences.
Welsh & English Words LIST Key Welsh words & literary terms. About PKM.
The Mabinogi Bibliography About this comprehensive bibliography of almost 2,000 entries. Searchable by topic, tags. List order A-Z or by date. Download copy, auto updates. Format references. Annotated.