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-====== Cymraeg - English glossary ====== +====== ​WORDS Cymraeg - English glossary ====== 
-also English keywords often used in Mabinogi Studies.\\ ​+**also English keywords often used in Mabinogi Studies**.\\ 
 (GPC) Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (Welsh University Dictionary)\\ ​ (GPC) Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru (Welsh University Dictionary)\\ ​
 ModW = Modern Welsh. ModW = Modern Welsh.
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 |**A**|| |**A**||
 |**//​aberth//​**| a sacrificing or offering, sacrifice; victim, sacrifice, offering (also of thanks, worship, &c.); treasure, wealth, property; also fig. (GPC)  [Other meanings given, religious, Christianity.]| |**//​aberth//​**| a sacrificing or offering, sacrifice; victim, sacrifice, offering (also of thanks, worship, &c.); treasure, wealth, property; also fig. (GPC)  [Other meanings given, religious, Christianity.]|
-|**//​amdanei//​**| [Mod. W. am] around, round about, surrounding,​ on both sides (of place). (GPC)| +|**//​amdanei//​**| [Mod. W. //am//] around, round about, surrounding,​ on both sides (of place). (GPC)| 
-|**//​angheu//​**| [ModW. angheuol] – mortal, deadly, fatal, lethal, destructive,​ dangerous; mortal, subject to death; mortal (of sin); mortal, pertaining to, or characterized by, death, deathly; dead. (GPC)|+|**//​angheu//​**| [ModW. ​//angheuol//] – mortal, deadly, fatal, lethal, destructive,​ dangerous; mortal, subject to death; mortal (of sin); mortal, pertaining to, or characterized by, death, deathly; dead. (GPC)|
 |**//​anglot//​**| shame, dishonour, satire. See //clod//.| |**//​anglot//​**| shame, dishonour, satire. See //clod//.|
 |**//​anryded//​**| [ModW. //​anrhydedd//​] honour (also as title), esteem, respect, credit, accolade, glory, dignity, rank, privilege; honours (degree course). (GPC)| |**//​anryded//​**| [ModW. //​anrhydedd//​] honour (also as title), esteem, respect, credit, accolade, glory, dignity, rank, privilege; honours (degree course). (GPC)|
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 |**//​aruchel//​**| (very) high, tall, lofty, elevated; exalted, supreme, splendid, majestic; lofty (of language, style, feeling, &c.), sublime, noble. (GPC)| |**//​aruchel//​**| (very) high, tall, lofty, elevated; exalted, supreme, splendid, majestic; lofty (of language, style, feeling, &c.), sublime, noble. (GPC)|
 |**//​auory//​**| [//yfory, afory//] – tomorrow. (GPC)| |**//​auory//​**| [//yfory, afory//] – tomorrow. (GPC)|
 +|**//​bali//​**|Mut. //pali//.|
 +|**//bechan (uechan)//​**|little,​ small, minute, diminutive. (GPC) Ref. Rhiannon’s ‘little bag’.|
 +|**//​bedestric,​ pedestric//​**|[Mod.W. //​peddestrig,​ pedestrig//​] (ability to) walk, a walking, gait, going, fleetness (of foot); step; pedestrian, walker. (GPC)|
 +|**//​beunoeth//​**|every night, nightly, night by night; always, continually. (GPC)|
 +|**//​blwydyn//​**| [ModW. //​blwyddyn//​] – year, solar year, calendar year, period of twelve months; (pl.) a long time, ages; lifetime, life; (GPC)|
 +|**//​brenhin,​ urenhin//​**| [ModW. //brenin//] king, sovereign, monarch, head of region, &c., having a similar status, also as a title; a person, &c., who is regarded as the finest or most important in a given sphere, &​c. (GPC)|
 +|**//​brenhines,​ urenhines//​**|queen,​ also as title, often with ref. to Mary, mother of Jesus, and fig.; goddess; queen (in cards); queen (in chess); queen bee. (GPC)|
 +|**//​urethyn//​**|[ModW. //​brethwyn//​] – woollen, cotton, &c., cloth; covering, bedspread, hanging, tapestry; also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​brynaf//​**| [ModW. //prynaf: prynu//] – to buy, purchase, exchange, redeem, ransom. (GPC)|
 +|**//​bwyd//​**|food,​ nourishment,​ meat, victuals, provisions. (GPC)|
 +|**//​bwyta//​**|[Mod.W //bwytâf: bwyta, byta//] to eat. (GPC)|
 +|**//byd, byt//​**|world,​ earth, globe; universe; planet or other heavenly body; often fig. of realm, sphere, &c. (GPC)|
 +|**//​bynnac//​**|[ModW. //bynnag, bynna//] (who)soever,​ (what) soever. (GPC)|
 +|**//​byw//​**|1. alive, living, having life, animate, quick, existing, actual. (GPC)|
 +|**//​caer//​**|fort,​ fortress, enclosed stronghold, castle, citadel, fortified town or city. (GPC)|
 +|**//cant, can//**|a hundred, a host; hundredweight;​ percentage.(GPC) cf. //​cantref//​.|
 +|**//​cantref – cant//**|a hundred, a host; tref – town; town centre. Ellis gives ‘unit of lordship’ (Ellis p.4, n.3) and ‘territorial division, comparable to the English hundred’. ​ Containing 100 trefi or settlements. (Ellis p. 4, n. 4) which Jones follows (Jones, //​Mabinogion//,​ footnote p. 20). However this pushes the cantref definition on to what constituted a ‘settlement’.|
 +|**//The ‘seven cantrefs’//​**| of ancient Dyfed are noted at the beginning of the Third Branch also (Ford, //​Mabinogi//,​ 76) and Fourth Branch (Ford, //​Mabinogi//,​ 91); noted by Ellis (p.74, n. 5; p.100, n.3). Also see Rhiannon’s ‘small bag’ which can contain the food andd drink of all seven cantrefs of Dyfed. (Ford, //​Mabinogi//,​ p. 47)|
 +|**//​canwelw//​**|pale white, whitish. (GPC)|
 +|**//caraf, caru//**|to love; woo, court. (GPC)|
 +|**//​carw//​**|deer,​ hart, stag, fig. of lord, nobleman, patron, &c. (GPC)|
 +|**//​kerdet//​**|[ModW. //​cerddaf//:​ cerdded] to walk, journey, travel, approach, traverse, march, go, move. (GPC)|
 +|**//​charueidrwyd//​**|[ModW. //​carueiddrwydd//​] – love, affection, kindliness.|
 +|**//​chedymdeithon//​**|[ModW. cedymdeith, cedymeith, cedymdeithas –> cydymaith, cydymddaith,​ cydymdaith] – fellow-traveller;​ accomplice; companion, associate, comrade, fellow; (title of a) vademecum, chapbook.(GPC)|
 +|**//​cherdeu//​**|[ModW. //cerdd//] – song, poem; art of poetry; music; musical instrument. (GPC)|
 +|**//​chyffes,​ cyffes, nghyffes//​**|confession,​ acknowledgement,​ avowal, admission; profession of faith, declaration of creed, doctrine, &c. (GPC)|
 +|**//​chyuedach//​**|[ModW. ] – feast, banquet, merriment, carousal, revelry, dissipation,​ debauchery; companionship,​ company. (GPC)|
 +|**//​ci//​**|hound,​ sing. //cwn//, plur.|
 +|**//​cig//​**|meat;​ flesh;|
 +|**//​claerwyn//​**|(//​claer+gwyn//​) shining or brilliantly white, pure white, radiant; deathly pale, pallid (of complexion). (GPC)|
 +|**//​clod//​**|praise,​ fame, renown, reputation, honour; credit. (GPC) cf. //anglot// shame, dishonour, satire.|
 +|**//​clusteu//​**|[Mod.W. //clust//] – the ear, fig. and transf. for sense of hearing, attention, willingness to listen, &c. (GPC)|
 +|**//​cochet,​ coch//​**|red,​ ruddy, scarlet, bloody; ginger (of hair); brown.| 
 +|**//​cochyon,​ gochyon//​**|[ModW. //cochyn//] red-haired person. [ModW. ​ cochion: red as in red cherries]|
 +|**//coed, coet//​**|forest,​ wood, trees; shrubs; timber, pieces of wood; sticks to support peas, beans, &c. (GPC)|
 +|**//corff, gorff//​**|2a. body; the trunk; bodice; corpse. (GPC)|
 +|**//corn, gorn//​**|horn,​ antler; tentacle, antenna. (GPC) //chorn canu// – horn + //canu//, sing, call, sound, so calling horn, hunting horn.|
 +|**//​coronawc//​**|[ModW. //coronaf: coroni//] to crown (a king, bard, &c.), cap. (GPC)|
 +|**//cwn, gwn//​**|(//​ci//,​ sing.) dog, hound, cur, often fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​cyfarwydd,​ gyuarwyd//​**|well-informed,​ acquainted, familiar; learned, versed, expert, skilful, proficient; well-known; skilled in magic. 1. story-teller. 2. leader, guide; well-informed person, expert. (GPC)|
 +|**//​cyfranc,​ gyfranc//​**|affair,​ concern, incident, adventure; story (of battle, &c.), tale, narrative; conversation,​ discussion. (GPC)|
 +|**//​Cymraeg Canol//​**|Middle Welsh. (The modern name for the language of the Mabinogi.)|
 +|**//​kymriw//​**|[ModW. //cymriw//] – bruise, wound. (GPC) cf. //​archolleu//​|
 +|**//​kynnedyf//​**|(ModW. //​cynneddf//​) – faculty, natural endowment; attribute, quality, peculiarity,​ characteristic;​ moral quality, trait of character; nature, disposition;​ custom, usage, practice, habit; qualification;​ condition; virtue. (GPC)|
 +|**//​kyuoeth//​**|[MW. //cyfoeth, cywoeth, cywaeth, cyweth//] – a. wealth, riches, opulence, affluence. b. power, authority, sovereignty,​ puissance, dominion, marvellous or miraculous power, c. territory, land, country, kingdom, domain; people or subjects of a realm. (GPC)|
 +|**//​cyntaf,​ kyntaf//​**|b) first, foremost, chief, principal; pristine. (GPC)|
 +|**//cysgu, kysgu//​**|[ModW. //cysgu gan (genthi, &c.), cysgu gyda//] to sleep with (her), cohabit, marry. (GPC)|
 +|**//​kyuanned//​**|[ModW. //​cyfannedd//​] – dwelling-place,​ habitation, abode; inhabited or cultivated place; dwelling, occupation; inhabitant; settler. (GPC)|
 +|**D, E, F. Ff**||
 +|**//​deu//​**|[ModW. //dau//] – two; both; pair, couple. (GPC)|
 +|**//​deccaf//​**|[ModW. //tecâf: tecáu//] to make or become fair or fine, beautify, adorn, decorate, embellish. (GPC)|
 +|**//​dewred//​**|[ModW. //​dewredd//​] – bravery, courage, valour, prowess, might. (GPC)|
 +|**//​diarchenu,​ diarchenaf//​**|to take off one’s boots or shoes. (GPC)|
 +|**//​Dioer//​**|certain,​ doubtless, true, by heaven. (GPC)|
 +|**//​dissymlaf//​**|[ModW. //disymlaf: disymlo//] – to degrade, humiliate. (GPC) cf. Manawydan.|
 +|**//​doniad//​**| a giving, a conferring or endowing, donation; grant. cf. //​doniaf//​| 
 +|**//​doniaf:​ donio//**| to endow, bless; give, present. cf. //​doniad//​| 
 +|**//Duw, duw//**|a) God, the Supreme Being, the Almighty, the Christian Trinity. c) god (sometimes goddess) of the Gentile or pagan religions, supernatural or superhuman being often worshipped by means of an image or idol; person’s real object of worship, person or thing regarded as a supreme good and served with complete self-devotion;​ sometimes fig. of a despotic ruler, &c. (GPC)|
 +|**//​dyd//​**|[Mod.W. //dydd//] – day, time of daylight (as distinguished from or opposed to night); light (as opposed to darkness, &c.), also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​dylyedauc//​**|[Mod.W. //dyledig, dylyedig//] – worthy, fitting, noble. (GPC)|
 +|**//​dyrnaut//​**|[ModW. ] – to thresh, thrash; beat, drub, thump. (GPC)|
 +|**//​dywedut//​**|[Mod.W. //dywedaf: dywedyd, dywedud, dweud, dywedwyd//] – to say, speak, utter, express, declare, state, make known, announce; speak (a language); assert, allege; treat (of); tell, relate, say or recite. (GPC)|
 +|**//​edrych//​**|regard;​ appearance. (GPC)|
 +|**//​eil//​**|[ModW. //ail//] – second (ordinal). (GPC)|
 +|**//​eiroet//​**|[ModW. //erioed, eirioed, eiroed,// &c.] ever (in time past), from the beginning, from everlasting,​ always, at all times (in the past); (with neg.) never (with ref. to the past), at no time, in all one’s life. (GPC)|
 +|**//​eisted//​**|[Mod.W. //​eisteddaf:​ eistedd, eiste//] to sit, be seated, kneel (occas. in Medieval Welsh); exercise judicial authority, &c., sit in judgement; be in session (of law-court, &c.); rest, be still; fit well, sit (of clothes, &​c.). (GPC)|
 +|**//​erchlas//​**|dapple-grey (of horse); dark blue colour. (GPC)|
 +|**//​erchwys,​ erwys//​**|pack of hounds; hounds, greyhounds. (GPC)|
 +|**//​eureit//​**|[Mod. W. //aur//] – gold, gold money or coin(s), wealth; gold (colour); gold(en). (GPC)|
 +|**//fawr, mawr//**| |
 +|**//​frouedigaeth//​**|[ModW. //​profedigaeth//​] – trial (of person), test, temptation; misfortune, affliction, tribulation (used esp. with ref. to bereavement). (GPC)|
 +|**//​fford//​**|road,​ way, street, path, passage, course, route, journey; also fig.  (GPC) cf. //​prifford//,​ main road (//prif//, first, chief)|
 +|**//gan / can//​**|white,​ shining, brilliant. [cf. //gwyn//. Gwyn ap Nudd?] b) white flour, bolted flour, flour; white bread, bread.|
 +|**//​gedymdeithas//​**|[ModW. cydymaith, cydymddaith,​ cydymdaith] fellow-traveller;​ accomplice; companion, associate, comrade, fellow; (title of a) vademecum, chapbook. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gerennyd//​**|[ModW. carennydd, cerennydd] – kindred, kinship, relationship,​ descent, affinity; friendship, love, reconciliation;​ kinsman, relation. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gochyon//​**|see //​cochyn//​.|
 +|**//gorff, corff//**|
 +|**//​gormes//​**|oppression by an alien race or conqueror, tyranny, violence, burden, vexation, plague, pestilence; destruction,​ encroachment,​ intrusion, attack, invasion; rapacity, greed; oppressor, afflictor, enemy, attacker, encroacher; oppressive animal or monster; devourer, pillager, rapacious person or animal; huge person or thing, person or thing of unusual size; intrusive letter (in grammar). (GPC)|
 +|**//​gorssedd,​ orssedd//​**|[Mod.W. //​gorsedd//​] – a) mound of earth, tump, knoll, hillock; barrow, tumulus, grave. b) throne c) judge’s seat; assembly, gathering. ​ (of emperor, king, &c.); throne of bishop, &c., on ceremonial occasions; chair; confessional;​ throne of God and Christ in glory; fig. position, office or dignity of a sovereign, &c., sovereign power and authority. c) court, hall, dwelling, place; court of law, judicial assembly, tribunal, session, judge’s seat; assembly, gathering. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gossot//​**|ModW. //gosodaf: gosod, gosodi//] – to put, set, lay, place; strike, thrust, pierce. (GPC|)
 +|**//​got//​**|[ModW. //cod//] – bag, pouch, sack, poke; scrotum; pocket, purse; pod, cod, husk; blister; wind-bag of bag-pipes. (GPC)|
 +|**//​guassanaeth//​**|[ModW. //​gwasanaeth//​] – service, attendance, a ministering;​ office, duty, employment; homage; beneficial act, favour, kindness; use, benefit, help, public and social service. (GPC)|
 +|**//​guely//​**|[ModW. //gwely//] – bed (including bedstead, mattress and bedding); bedstead (only); mattress (and bed-clothes) as distinct from bedstead; sleeping-place generally, an improvised resting-place;​ resting-place of an animal, esp. one strewed for domestic beast, lair. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gyuarwyd//​**|see //​cyfarwydd//​.|
 +|**//​gwas//​**|1. boy, lad, stripling, youngster, young man, sometimes fig.; also used vocatively as a familiar term implying a threat, pity, endearment, &c., according to the context (cf. the corresponding use of ‘(my) boy’, ‘(my) son’, ‘(poor) chap’, ‘(my dear) fellow’, ‘(my) lad’, &c., in English). (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwineu//​**|[ModW. //​gwinau//​]– bay, reddish brown, auburn (of hair, eyebrows, &c.), chestnut (of horses), dark red, olive, swarthy, dark; mixed, cloudy (of weather). (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwisc//​**|[Mod.W. //gwisg//] – dress, clothing, raiment, attire, apparel, garb, garment, robe, fig. of leaves, &c.; covering; armour, mail; envelope.|
 +|**//​gwlat//​**|[ModW. //gwlad//] – country, fatherland, land, province, region, district, (sometimes) county; kingdom, realm, domain. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwled//​**|ModW. //​gwledd//​]– feast, banquet, repast; (sometimes) carousal, revelry; sumptuous meal, anything delicious to feed upon; fig. exquisite enjoyment, rich treat; also in spiritual sense.| 
 +|**//​gwledychu//​**|[ModW. //​gwladychaf,​ gwledychaf: gwladychu, gwledychu//​] – to reign, govern, rule, hold sway; settle (dwell, reside, live) in a country. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwn//​**|see //cŵn//.|
 +|**//​gwnaf//​**|[Mod.W. //gwnaf: gwneuthur, gwneuthud, gwneuthu, gwneud//] b. to bring about, cause, inflict (injury, &c.), cause to be, cause (one) to become, cause change in the state or quality (of a person or object). (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwr//​**|[ModW. //gŵr//] – man, person, anyone (the plural form, in connection with a place-name, may sometimes denote ‘people, inhabitants’);​ adult male human being (as distinct from woman or boy, lad, &c.); valiant warrior, brave man, hero. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwreic,​ wreic//​**|[Mod.W. //gwraig//] female human being, adult woman (sometimes used appositionally to man. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwrogaeth//​**|homage,​ allegiance, oath of allegiance, loyalty, fealty; submission, subjection; feudalism. (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwybot,​ wybot//​**|[ModW. //gwybod, wydod//] – knowledge, discretion, discernment,​ understanding,​ comprehension;​ information;​ courtesy, politeness, mannerliness;​ specific branch of knowledge, study, a science. (GPC) cf. //​anwybot//,​ ignorance.|
 +|**//gwyn, wynnet//​**|white,​ greyish-white,​ pale; light, shining, bright; brilliant, white-hot; silver (usually of money); (GPC)|
 +|**//​gwyrda//​**|[ModW. //gwrda//] nobleman, peer, chief, lord (sometimes of God and Christ); worthy man, good man, good fellow; hero. (GPC)|
 +|**//gwyr, wyr//​**|[Mod. Welsh //gŵr//] –  man, person, anyone (the plural form, in connection with a place-name, may sometimes denote ‘people, inhabitants’);​ adult male human being (as distinct from woman or boy, lad, &c.); valiant warrior, brave man, hero.|
 +|**//​gyfranc,​ cyfranc//​**| |
 +|**//​gyuarwyd//​**|see //​cyfarwydd//​.|
 +|**//​haf//​**|summer,​ summer-time. Hafgan|
 +|**//​hanbwyllaw//​**|[ModW //​hanbwyllaf:​ hanbwyllo//​] to think (of), consider, remember, mention, bother, care (for), busy oneself (with), take an interest (in). (GPC)|
 +|**//​hawlwr//​**|plaintiff;​ claimant, litigant, prosecutor, stipulator, agent; promoter; questioner; client. (GPC) See Ellis 1929.|
 +|**//​hela//​**|[ModW //heliaf, helaf: hel, hela, hely//] to drive; chase, pursue, put to flight; send, dispatch.|
 +|**//​heno//​**| to-night, (on) this night. (GPC)|
 +|**//hud/ hut//​**|[ModW //hud 1//) magic, wizardry, sorcery, witchcraft, spell, enchantment,​ charm, fascination,​ allurement, persuasion, enticement; illusion, apparition; deceit(fulness),​ deception, delusion, wile, trick, ruse, simulation, dissimulation,​ legerdemain. (GPC)|
 +|**//​hyfaidd//​**|[ModW]bold,​ daring, adventurous,​ dauntless, audacious. From the root //baidd// – venture, challenge, daring, endeavour. (GPC) Hyfaidd Hen/ Heveydd Hen may mean something like 'The Good Old Challenger.'​​|
 +|**//hy– hu–//**| affirmative adjectival prefix, often denoting goodness or facility, thoroughness. (GPC)|
 +|**//​hen//​**|old,​ aged; ancient, antique, pristine, former; inveterate, chronic; original; senior, elder.(GPC)|
 +|**//​hyt//​**|[ModW. //hyd//] – extent in time or duration (e.g. of performance,​ season, one’s life), length or course of time, (long) while or space of time. (GPC)|
 +|**//​iarll//​**| earl, count, nobleman. (GPC)|
 +|**K initial letter, replace with C.**||
 +|**//​ladaf//​**|[ModW. ] – to bless, confer a gift upon. (GPC) //​adladdaf//​ [ModW.) – to strike again or back, abuse, harm, afflict; kill (again); also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​lannerch//​**|a clearing, glade, oasis, pasture, court, empty space, patch, place, area, region; blemish, spot; (dict.) habitation; field of escutcheon (in her.). (GPC)|
 +|**//liw, lliw//​**|colour,​ hue, tint. (GPC)|
 +|**//​lwydannus//​**|[ModW. //​llwyddiannus//​] – successful, prosperous, prospering, thriving, fortunate, lucky, favourable (of wind); promoting success, giving prosperity. (GPC)|
 +|**//​lladdaf//​**|//​lladd,​ †lladdu// to kill, put to death, slay, slaughter, murder, also fig., destroy, put an end to, defeat; kill (time, hour, &c.); yield (good, &c.) meat. (GPC)|
 +|**//​llathreit//​**|[ModW. //​llathraid//​] bright, brilliant, resplendent,​ glittering, shining, sheeny, glossy and smooth, sleek, straight (of hair); polished, burnished; fig. splendid, illustrious;​ perfected, refined. (GPC)|
 +|**//​llawen//​**|merry,​ jovial, glad, cheerful, happy, blithe, joyful, joyous, jubilant; bringing happiness, pleasant, delightful. (GPC)|
 +|**//​llef//​**|shout,​ cry, wail, roar, yell, outcry; war-cry, battle-cry; noise, roar; sound; (GPC)|
 +|**//llwyt, llwyd//​**|grey,​ faint (of colour, light, &c.); pale, pallid, wan; russet, brown; turbid, muddy (of water). (GPC)|
 +|**//​llys//​**|court,​ palace, manor house, hall, imposing building, habitation of king, prince, nobleman; &c., also of church or heaven as God’s habitation, sometimes transf.; courtyard, enclosed space. (GPC)|
 +|**M, N, O**||
 +|**//​makwyf,​ uakwyf//**| Plur. //​akwyueit//​ [ModW //macwyf//] esquire, squire, page, youth, boy, (young) man, ?knight, ?lord; youth of the king’s retinue; transf. of animal. (GPC)|
 +|**//maes, uaes//​**|open country as opposed to woodland, expanse of open land, level land, plain; the country as opposed to the town, place away from the headquarters,​ office, laboratory, &c., where (practical) work is done or research material collected; territory belonging to a city; field, piece of land set aside for a particular purpose, usually enclosed by fences, hedges, &c.; (GPC)|
 +|**//​maestir//​**|open country, level open land, plain. (GPC)|
 +|**//march, uarch//​**|horse,​ stallion, war-horse, steed. (GPC)|
 +|**//​marchauc,​ uarchauc//​**|[ModW. //​marchog//​1] – horseman, rider, jockey, mounted warrior, also fig.; nobleman in the (military) service of the king or of a lord; knight, military follower, usually of noble birth. (GPC)|
 +|**//​marchoges,​ uarchoges//​**|horsewoman,​ female (horse-)rider,​ also fig.; lady. (GPC)|
 +|**//mawr, fawr//​**|large,​ big; fully grown; capital (of letter); heavy (of rain, snow, blow, &c.); long (of hair); deep (of water). (GPC)|
 +|**//​milwraeth,​ uilwraeth//​**|[ModW //​milwriaeth,​ milwraeth//​] – battle, war, warfare, bellicosity,​ also fig.; military feat, skill at arms, military qualities, valour, prowess; the military, army, host, (armed) force. (GPC)|
 +|**//​morwyn,​ uorwyn//​**|b) girl, young (unmarried) woman, maiden. (GPC)|
 +|**//​muscrellach,​ uuscrellach//​**|[ModW. //​musgrellwch//​] – feebleness. (GPC)|
 +|**//​medylyaw//​**|[ModW //meddwl// a.] – (a) thought, cogitation, meditation, judgement, opinion; intention, purpose; meaning, sense. (GPC)|
 +|**//​mynnych//​**|[ModW //mynnaf: mynnu, mynnyd//] to want, wish, desire, will, be willing; obtain, procure, get, claim, demand, insist upon (having, obtaining, &c.), seek; maintain, insist. (GPC)|
 +|**//​neges//​**|errand,​ mission, affair, matter, business, office, task; purpose, point; request, petition. (GPC)|
 +|**//​neuad//​**|[ModW. //neuadd// 1.] – hall; hall (of residence), hostel; dwelling, residence, house of a king, noble, or landed proprietor, palace, mansion, court; (bibl.) courtyard; hall, main room of a castle, &c.; also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​nos//​**|night;​ evening; darkness (of the night); vigil (of religious festival, &c.); also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​oed//​**|1. period of time, age. 2. appointment,​ tryst, assignation,​ ‘date’. (GPC)|
 +|**//​orymdaith,​ gorymdaith//​**|procession;​ journey or a wandering; stay in a strange country; sojourn; emanation (of the Holy Spirit) (in theol.). (GPC)|
 +|**//pali, bali//​**|brocaded silk; sarsenet; satin; (dict.) fine linen, plush, velvet; also transf. (GPC)|
 +|**//​parth//​**|area,​ region, also fig./  part. (GPC)|
 +|**//​pawb//​**|everyone,​ everybody, each one, every one, all. (GPC)|
 +|**//​penn//​**|[Mod.W. //penn//] head (of person or animal); representation of this; head (of coin), obverse; (postage-)stamp;​ also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​Pendeuic//​**|[ModW //​Pendefig//​] chief, leader, ruler, king, prince, lord, nobleman, gentleman. (GPC)|
 +|**//​penyd//​**|penance (voluntary or imposed), … repentance, sorrow; atonement, expiation; punishment, pain, torment, torture, suffering, tribulation. (GPC)|
 +|**//​pryder//​**|(cause of) anxiety, concern, distress, disquiet, fear, also fig. (GPC) Cognate forms Middle Cornish, Middle & Modern Breton, but no clues re  the root. The verb //pryderaf, pryderu// adds an Old Breton cognate but no note on the root.[Note CJ] PKM 157-8 Rhiannon'​s words '//oed escor uym pryder im//', both the Red Book and  the White Book have an error here, and that the original reading was probably '//oed escor uym pryderi//'​ - with //pryderi// being a common singular noun.|
 +|**//​pryderi//​**|anxiety,​ distress; pensiveness;​ wariness. (GPC)|
 +|**//​pryderaf//​**|to be anxious (about), (cause to) worry (over), vex, fret, fear, hesitate; consider (seriously);​ repent. (GPC) (PKM cf. //pwyllaf// see note on the 2 names)|
 +|**//​prif//​**|principal,​ prime, main, major, chief, head, foremost, supreme, best, (most) excellent, fine, great, special; (GPC)|
 +|**//​prifford//​**|highway,​ (main) road, street, path. (GPC) //prif// + //fford//.|
 +|**//​priflys//​**|a chief court. (GPC)|
 +|**//​pwyll//​**|deliberation,​ consideration,​ care, caution; discretion, prudence, wisdom, patience, understanding,​ intelligence,​ perception, judgement, mind, wit(s), reason, (common) sense, sanity, also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​pwyllaf:​ pwyllo//​**|to exercise discretion, deliberate, consider, think (of or over), contemplate;​ understand, suppose, imagine, intend; pause, be(come) patient or wary, (become) slow; make discreet or prudent. (GPC)  [//​pryderaf//​ ​PKM pp. 157-8 says ​their meanings are clearly very close  -these might even have suggested ​ the pair of names Pwyll and Pryderi]|
 +|**R, RH, S**||
 +|**//​rhi//​**| king, prince, lord, ruler, chieftain, also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//rhian –> rhiain//**| (young) woman, girl, damsel, lass, maiden, virgin; queen, noble girl, lady.| 
 +|**//​rhian2,​ rhien1//**| stripe, streak. [Might this relate to the badger incident?]|
 +|**//​rhiaidd//​**| regal, noble, aristocratic,​ dignified; (dict.) generous.| 
 +|**//​rhiant//​**| parent; ancestor; elder; thing (e.g. plant) from which another is derived; hereditary.| 
 +|**//​rhieinaidd,​ rhieiniaidd,​ rhianaidd//​**| pertaining to, befitting, or like a (?noble) young woman, feminine, effeminate, virgin(al), chaste.|
 +|**//​rhieni//​**| a) parents, also fig. b) forefathers,​ ancestors, forebears; lineal male ancestors within three generations,​ namely father, grandfather and great-grandfather (in the Welsh laws); predecessor. c) (close) family, kindred, tribe, clan, fellow-countrymen;​ sort, species, kind. d) descendants,​ offspring, issue, posterity, heirs. cf. //​rhiant//​.|
 +|**//​rhif//​**| 1. a)  the sum (of a collection of units), number. b) as many or numerous (as). c) a (great) many, crowd, host, multitude; large amount. d) //Parch, bri, anrhydedd, clod//: worth, esteem, honour, praise. f) a count(ing), reckoning, measure.| 
 +|**//rodi, rof//**| [ModW //rhoddaf, rhof1: rhoddi, rhoi//1] to give (something concrete), bestow, grant, present, hand over, donate, impart, supply, provide, give (feast, &c.); transfer ownership of (land, possessions,​ &​c.).(GPC)|
 +|**//​rhy//​**| 1. too, over, excessively,​ extremely, very, greatly.|
 +|**//​rhyfedd//​**| [ModW] strange, odd, unusual, extraordinary;​ wonderful, wondrous, marvellous; great, immense, extreme, excessive. (GPC)|
 +|**//​rhyfeddod//​**| [ModW] marvel, wonder. [cf. //​ryuedawt//​]|
 +|**//​ryt//​**|[ModW //rhyd// 1] ford, also fig; strait. (GPC)|
 +|**//​ryuedaut//​**|[ModW. //​rhyfeddod//​] strange or wonderful person or thing, wonder, marvel, prodigy, miracle; wonderfulness,​ tremendousness,​ remarkableness,​ singularity;​ wonderment, astonishment,​ surprise. (GPC) cf. //rhyfedd// strange, odd, unusual, extraordinary;​ wonderful, wondrous, marvellous; great, immense, extreme, excessive. (GPC)|
 +|**//​ssynnwyr//​**|[ModW. //​synnwyr//​] sense, wisdom, sensibleness,​ prudence, understanding,​ mental ability, reason, sanity; feeling, experience, opinion, consciousness,​ mind; also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​taran//​**| 1. //daran// thunder, thunderclap,​ thunderbolt,​ also transf. & fig. [cf. Pendaran] //taran//2. fairly, moderately, somewhat, rather, quite, very; fair-sized.|
 +|**//​taw//​**|silence,​ hush, quiet, peace; silent, quiet, calm. (GPC)|
 +|**//​teulu//​**|b) bodyguard, household troops, war-band; host, crowd, people. (GPC) [Later meaning] a) (nuclear or extended) family; tribe, nation; household; family (related group of persons, things, organisms, &c (GPC)|
 +|**//​teyrn//​**| monarch, sovereign, king, prince, lord, ruler, leader, dictator, tyrant, also fig.; sovereign (adj.), royal.|
 +|**//​teyrnon//​**|monarchs (?monarch), kings (?king).|
 +|**//​thrannoeth//​**|[ModW //​trannoeth//​ (on) the following day, (on) the next day, (during) the following day, (on) the following morning, tomorrow; (dict.) three days hence.|
 +|**//​threigylgweith,​ a threigylgweith//​**|[ModW //​treiglgwaith,​ treiglwaith//​] once (upon a time), one time, on one occasion. See also Parker.|
 +|**//​trydyd//​**|[ModW. //​trydydd//​] ​ – third.|
 +|**//​tynged//​**|destiny,​ fate, lot; prophecy, prediction, fortune (GPC)|
 +|**//​uaes//​**|see //maes//.|
 +|**//​uarch//​**|see //march//.|
 +|**//​un//​**|one;​ single, individual, only, sole; unique, special; united, combined. (GPC)|
 +|**//​unben//​**|[general term for any sole ruler] dictator, (absolute) monarch, supreme head, autocrat, tyrant, despot; chief(tain),​ nobleman, prince, lord (paramount),​ king, monarch, sovereign, emperor. (GPC)|
 +|**//​uilwraeth//​**|see //​milwraeth//​.|
 +|**//​urenhines//​**|see //​brenhines//​.|
 +|**//​uuscrellach//​**|see //​muscrellach//​.|
 +|**//​wrthpwythi//​**|[ModW. //​gwrthbwythi//​] – obstinacy; contrariness. (GPC)|
 +|**//​ymborth//​**|food,​ nourishment,​ provender, sustenance, also fig.; fodder, forage. (GPC)|
 +|**//​ymdialwyf//​**|[MW. dialaf: dial, diala, dialu] –  to avenge; revenge, behave or act revengefully,​ wreak vengeance, retaliate. (GPC)|
 +|**//​ymdidan//​**|[ModW //​ymddiddan//​] – to talk (to one another), speak, converse, chat, also fig. (GPC)|
 +|**//​yniueroed//​**|[ModW. //aroloedd, arwoloedd//​] host, large number; wealth, treasure, profit, also fig.|
 +|**//​ystauell//​**|[//​ystafell,​ stafell//] – room; building, hall, ?stable;|
words.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/17 02:18 by admin